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Alternative to Fruition: The best Notion website builder in 2024

simple.ink vs fruition notion website builders

Trying to find a platform to build your Notion website, other than Fruition? Well, we're happy to say that you've come into the right place.

By the end of this article, you're going to be fully documented on Fruition and Simple.ink, and you'll be able to know the difference between the two.

Finally, after reading this post, you'll know which Notion website builder suits you best. Let's get at it!

Which Notion website builder is best for me? Simple.ink or Fruition?

Compared to Fruition's Notion websites, building websites with Simple.ink is seamless: you get it done in a few clicks, and it's a headache-free process.

Let's go a bit more into detail, and let's focus on the three best reasons why you may want to use Simple.ink as your Notion website builder.

1. Fruition alternative for Notion

Building your Simple.ink website takes no time, as websites are made instantly. To make a website, copy your Notion page's link and paste it in the Simple.ink website builder. It's that easy and fast!

2. Professional websites in Notion

Your Notion website built with Simple.ink can be used for any purpose: personal, eCommerce, portfolio and so on.

Notion websites work the same as any other website builder which you've probably consider before, such as WordPress.

3. Templates to start with

Compared to Fruition, Simple.ink offers many templates for Notion websites. A wide range of template categories waits for you, and the best part is that they're all 100% free. All you have to do is browse the library and pick your favourite template.

Fruition vs Simple.ink - comparison

Regarding the pricing, both Simple.ink and Fruition are free. Though, it all comes down to how much you get for free by using these two.

Let's compare Fruitionsite to Simple.ink and see which one of them has more advantages for you.

1. Free plan

Simple.ink: yes. Fruition: yes.

While Fruition is 100% free, you're also getting a 100% free plan at Simple.ink. With any of the paid plans at Simple.ink, you're going to access more features that the the free plan and Fruition don't offer.

Learn more about Simple.ink's plans on the Pricing page.

2. Time it takes to build a Notion website

Simple.ink: 1 minute. Fruition: 10 minutes.

Take 40 seconds for users to make their Notion pages sharable, to copy their link, and then to paste it in Simple.ink, and take 10 seconds for Simple.ink to build the website, and you get a 1-minute-long process of making a Notion website.

With Fruition, you'd have to wait around 10 minutes to make a website because this is a self-managed solution, compared to Simple.ink's automatically-made websites.

3. Code necessary to make a website

Simple.ink: no code. Fruition: code.

Both Simple.ink and Fruition are no-code website builders, but though, Fruition will need you to move some some code around.

In case your Fruition website doesn't work, you have to copy and paste some code, and that gives some headache. On the other hand, Simple.ink doesn't need you to code anything.

The idea of using Notion is to get a 100% no-code website, and with Simple.ink, you can achieve that without any hassle.

4. Notion website hosting + building

Simple.ink: free hosting and building. Fruition: only building

Hosting your website on Simple.ink is an upside that Fruition doesn't offer. On Fruition, you can only build your website, whereas on Simple.ink you can build and host.

With Simple.ink, you have two options: your own custom domain like "you.com" and the standard ".simple.ink" ending for the free plan, like "you.simple.ink".

For more details, read our post about Notion custom domains.

5. Custom code Notion websites

Simple.ink: yes. Fruition: yes.

Using either Simple.ink or Fruition, you'll be able to customise your website the way you like, even with custom code. If you have any custom bit of code, both of these Notion website builders will help you publish it.

Learn more on adding custom code to Notion websites with Simple.ink.

6. Integrate apps to Notion websites

Simple.ink: yes. Fruition: no.

Simple.ink will help you integrate your favourite apps to any Notion website. On the other hand, this is one thing which you can't do with Fruition.

Want to see the list of all the Notion integrations? Check out the integrations page and pick an app to integrate within your Notion website.

7. Live chat support

Simple.ink: 7 days/week. Fruition: no live chat.

If you're building a website in Notion and encounter any sort of issue, the live chat team at Simple.ink is here for you in any day of the week. Though, if you're having any issue with Fruition, there's no way to contact any live chat team.

8. Cost to try the website builder

Simple.ink: free. Furition: free.

At the end of the day, it's 100% free to try Simple.ink and Fruitionsite. All it takes is a bit of your time, and you are the best judge on whether you need to use Simple.ink or Fruition.

Want to give a shot to Simple.ink? It's 100% free trying a Notion website.

Should I use Simple.ink or Fruition for Notion websites?

In the end, the only one who can answer to this question is you. Even though we're competitors of Fruition, we can't say "Pick us, we're the best!".

Why? Because only you can use both Simple.ink and/or Fruition to find out which one is the best for you.

The best we could do is to list all of the benefits of Simple.ink and Fruition and show you the options for  Notion websites.

Thank you for reading this post. If you have any question that wasn't answered in this post, make sure contact us via email. We're standing by! 🤗

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