How to: Notion Password Protect (2023)

How to: Notion Password Protect (2023)

This guide is for you if:

  • You have Notion pages (or full websites!) that you want to password protect
  • You have sensitive/proprietary info on some of your Notion pages (or all!)
  • You're more of a private person

By the end of this guide, you'll end up with something like this:

A Notion page that is password-protected

👆 This is the password-protection screen your users will see BEFORE they add the password.

  • ✅ If they know the correct password, they'll get access
  • 🙅 If they don't know the correct password, they'll be denied access

Scroll below or click here to see a live example of such a website! 

Password-protection is a feature of the Pro Plan that we offer for Notion websites. So, if you have a Notion-built website that you want to protect with a password, we're now going to teach you everything about it.

How to lock Notion page with password

If you want to lock your website or Notion page, simply go to the website's "Pages" section, select the page that you want to add a password, and then simply type the password.

Here's a quick rundown of the steps:

  1. Go to your website's dashboard and select a website
  2. Hit the "Pages" section on the left side's menu
  3. Select a page (or the whole website)
  4. Go to "Password"
  5. Check "Password-protect this page"
  6. Type your password

Let's get to the fully-detailed guide on how to do all of this!

1. Select the page you want to lock

First of all, go to the Dashboard - here you can see all of your websites. Next up, select the page where you want to add the password.

how to password protect notion pages

Now you'll see a list with all of your website's pages. Simply select the page that you want to lock. If you want to lock the whole website, you'll have to select the first page.

In this case, we've only got the 'Homepage' button, which indicates a single page. So, we'll select that page, and we'll go to the next step, which is...

2. Go to the 'Password' menu and add yours

Upon clicking on the page that you want to protect with a password, you'll see this new window:

how to protect notion pages with passwords

Initially, the menu will open on the 'SEO' section, but upon going to the 'Password' menu, you'll see this window.

So, you now want to do three things:

  1. Tick the 'Password-protect this page' button
  2. Type your password in the Password' section
  3. Hit the blue 'Save changes' button

Please make sure to double-check that you've ticked the 'Password-protect this page' button, and make sure to remember the password that you've added. Why not save it in another Notion page?

Then, go to the public version of your website, and you'll see something like this:

A Notion page that is password-protected

That's it! You've just locked a Notion page with a password. So easy, isn't it?

Now, as soon as your users enter the right password, they'll be able to see what's on your website.

Can you password protect Notion pages?

Yes, you can! Simply go to your Notion website's "Pages" section, hit the "Password" menu, and then type your password. Remember to save your changes!

Since you're here, you might like to read how you can lock Notion pages. Thanks a lot for visiting this tutorial!

Demo: how do password-protected pages look like?

Check this out:

  1. Go to this website:
  2. Use "pass" for the password

Voila! That's a demo of a password-protected Notion page.

Alternatively, check out this interactive demo (same instructions as above:

That could be yours 🔒.

Got any other question?
Need help with anything else? Use the live chat button in the lower right corner → we'll do our best to clarify things for you!

P.S: Have you seen our Notion Forms feature?
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