Notion Integration (Power-up)

How to Integrate Crisp in Notion Websites

Got a freshly-built Notion website with and you want to add a live support bubble on your pages? Then Crisp may be one of your best live chat options, as they have quite a reputaion in this industry.

There are countless benefits of integrating live support on your Notion-built website, and out of all, the main two reasons are these: collecting emails and directly chatting to your customers.

How to integrate Crisp in Notion

To integrate Crisp in Notion, you just have to copy the HTML code of your live chat bubble and paste it in's custom code section of the Notion website. It's as easy as that!

Hey, keep in mind that htis was just the short answer to your question. Read the full story if you want a 100% detailed explantion about integrating Crisp Chat in!

1. Go to your website's settings

As you may know, once you sign up on Crisp, you have to add your website. It's pretty simple, as you just have to add your website's URL and a name to organise yourself better.

Got a website set up? Cool, now be sure to go to the Website Settings tab (just like in the image below). Once you find your desired Notion x website, hit the "Settings" button.

crisp to notion integration

Upon opening the settings, you'll see the "</> Setup instructions" section.

Click on it, and it'll expand. Then, you'll have to click on the blue "Chatbox setup instructions" button.

add crisp chat to notion websites

After you've pressed that button, you'll see a pop-up with multiple channels where you can integrate your Crisp live chat bubble.

Out of all these options, you'll have to stick with the "</> HTML" button.

embed crisp chat into notion websites

Now after you've clicked the "</> HTML" button, you should see the code of your live support embed.

Copy that code, as your'e going to need it in the Notion website builder.

copy crisp chat html code

Remember that you have to copy all of the characters in that box. Otherwise, your Crisp integration won't work. Double check your selecting!

2. Notion website custom code

The lengthtiest part of the guide has just passed. Now, you'll have to go to your website dashboard, and you'll have to select the website where you want to integrate Crisp.

Selected your website? Nice! Then, on the left side of the screen, hit the "Site customization" button in order to expand the menu.

notion website custom code

What you want to select is "Custom code".

3. Integrate Crisp to Notion

Now's the time to use the code that we've previously copied. In the "Add custom code" section, paste your Crisp live support bubble's code.

connect crisp chat to notion website

Remember to save your changes. Click the blue "Save changes" button in order to do so.

Once your Notion website's saved its changes and it fully loaded, you can go to your public website and see the live changes.

connect crisp live chat to notion website

Hey, that's so awesome! You've just integrated Crisp to your Notion website, and it's 100% functional. How cool is that?

Can you add live chat to Notion websites?

Yes, you can do that with the help of's "Custom code" section within your Notion website. All it takes is a copy/paste job of your live chat's code.

Did you enjoy reading this guide? If so, then you you should consider checking out the other Notion tutorials that we make. Thank you for being here!

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