Notion Integration (Power-up)

How to integrate Flodesk in Notion

If you're into building forms and you also like using Notion, then you're in the best place.

In this tutorial, we're going to show you how to integrate Flodesk Emailing into your Notion pages. The process is really easy, and all of this won't take longer than a few minutes.

How to integrate Flodesk in Notion

To add Flodesk emails in your Notion pages, you have to copy the sharable link of your email and paste it in Notion in order to create an embed.

For the full explanation regarding how to make your Flodesk pages sharable and how to embed them in Notion, keep reading this post. We're now jumping into the full guide!

Psst, hey! If you haven't joined Flodesk yet, do so by clicking this link. Join the fun! :)

1. Copy your Flodesk email's link

First of all, go to Your Flodesk Emails and find the email that you want to embed in Notion. Got there? Cool. Upon hovering cursors over the email, you should see a the three-dot icon in the top-right corner of the card with the email.

how to add flodesk in notion

You the need to click on the three dots, and a pop-up should now be displayed on the screen.

There, you want to select "Share" and then click "Get sharable link...". After that, you'll see another pop-up with the link.

how to get flodesk sharable link

On this pop-up, you simply want to click the "Copy" button, or youc an simply select all of the text and copy it youself. Regardless, you just need to have th link in your clipboard.

2. Make an Embed block

After getting the sharable link of your Flodesk email, you need to go to the Notio npage where you want to integrate the email.

how to integrate flodesk in notion

There, you need to type "/embed" and select the "Embed" block in the drop-down link, just like in the image above.

3. Embed your Flodesk email's link in Notion

Lastly, you want to ad the Flodesk link inside the embed block that you've just made a few seconds ago.

integrate flodesk in notion

Remember to also hit the "Embed link" button in order for your changes to take place.

After clicking the blue button, you should be able to see the preview of your Flodesk email in Notion, just like so:

how to integrate flodesk in notion

Hey, look at that! Your Flodesk email was embedded in Notion. Not so hard, right?

Consider this a cool invitation - why not join Flodesk with us? Let's have fun with these emails!

Can you integrate Flodesk in Notion?

Yes. Simply copy the URl of your Flodesk email, make an Embed block in Notion and paste the email's link. It's that easy!

Did you enjoy this read? For more guides like this, make sure to browse our library of Notion integrations. Thank you for reading this tutorial!

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