Yearly Income Report Notion Template For Freelancers

Yearly Income Report Notion Template For Freelancers

If you want to easily see all of your income within a year, we've got you covered with this Yearly income report Notion template. Never lose track of your income again!
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How to use the yearly income Notion template for freelancers

How to use the yearly income Notion template for freelancers

1. Join us & get the template

First of all, in order to get the template, you have to visit one of the two buttons at the top of this post.

2. Duplicate the template

Hit the "Duplicate" button in the top-right corner of the page in order to make a clean copy of it.

3. Fill in the report

Feel free to edit the report as you wish! Now that the template is yours, you can change it to your needs.

About this finance template in Notion

This Notion expense tracker template's main purpose is to make sure that you never forget where did you spend your money and on what did you actually spend that cash.

At the same time, with this yearly income Notion template, you'll also know where did your money come from.

This is a really awesome tool for freelancers that have lots of transactions throughout each year as much as it is an awesome tool for everyone else.

Notion Yearly Income Report Template Guide

Add your monthly income

To track income easier, within each year's report, we suggest inserting each month's income total. As you can see in the mock table, we've added just two months that are automatically calculated at the bottom of the table. When you're done adding each of the 12 months within the year that you've edited, the table will automatically calculate your income in that year.

Having a goal? Mark it there

If you have a goal per each month, you use the checkbox column in the rightmost side of the table. If you've reached your goal... Congrats! Moreover, be sure to mark the goal as reached (or as done - however you like to spell that) by checking off the box of monthly goal. If the goal's not reached yet, then leave that box empty until you're reaching it. Good luck in reaching all of your goals!

Make tables for each year

If you've got more years that you want to add within your Yearly Income Report Notion Template, then be sure to just copy the mock table and to paste it below. While we suggest arranging the tables as you wish, make sure to keep a sort of structure so that you'd easily see each year with ease.

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